Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are you a spark or are you a torch?

At church today the message was "Are you a spark, or are you a torch?"

It makes you think: Do you really love Christ or are you barely trying? Do you really want to be saved or are you coming to church just to be there?

Some of us accept Christ into our lives, and we let him work in our lives for a just a little while. That is when you're a spark. You let him into your heart and let him work in your life up until the devil tries to win, and you let him. You get so caught up in this world trying to make it that you forget who will help you through and will never lead you in the wrong direction. You let the devil take over and you let sin rule your life. You forget Gods word.

What we should be is a torch. God should be number one in your life, and you should allow him to into your heart and let him work in your life. Gods love for us is unconditional. . God will never leave you, he's always there. In your storms, when you think it won't get better, it will. Sometimes God lets the storm rage and he calms his child. Through our storms, we should also trust God. God knows best, and he never gives you more than you can handle. You should be so on fire for God that it brings the nonbelievers to accept him. You should be so on fire for God that even when the devil comes knocking at the door you don't let him in, because our God is way more powerful than the ol devil. God loves us even when we do sin, but you cannot let the devil pull you away from your love for God. After all he knows best, and without him you're lost.

Today I went to the alter and I accepted him into my life. I was a spark but now I will be working to be a torch. Too many times I have let the devil get the best of me and I have said things will never get better. But from this day forward, I plan to be on fire for God. I know the devil will come along trying to knock me to being a spark again, but I'm not going to let him. With god all things are possible and I know that even when I think god isn't working in my life he is. I plan to pray everyday and in my troubled times also pray. I know that God will never give me more than I can handle and he will never leave me. 

With this being said. I'm asking you now. Are you a spark or are you a torch?

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