Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What all Christians go through at some point in their life

Search me, God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. -PSALM 139:23-24

This was a verse I stumbled across in my devotional book, and it happens to be something I struggle with. This verse reminds me of things I need to work on. But the part "See if there is any offensive way in me" gets me. I always try to hide my Bad actions, bad thoughts, and bad intentions. But he sees, and he always knows. Satan just wants to me to be dishonest with myself about myself. But like my devotional said " but self-examination and openness to God's Leading is the key to being a changed person and to a restored relationship with our father". 
Satan always tries to get in the way, and make me drift away from god. I have to admit there are times when he defeats me. I think bad thoughts about things, and I just doubt God. I know I shouldn't because GOD doesn't make mistakes but sometimes we have to be drifted away and go through a trial to find our way back to who really matters GOD. I have made my share of mistakes, and made my share of why's, what ifs. But in all reality, God knows best, and there is a reason for everything. I'm far from perfect but no one really is, we all sin in some type of way everyday.

There is no one righteous, not even one...For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of GOD.. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
-Romans 3:10,23; 6:23

Well all are so damaged by sin, Satan has been selling us a lie from the beginning of our existence and we keep buying it and trying to be our own God. But truth is we need the Hope that only God can provide.