Monday, November 25, 2013

me lately

Well the start of the year we found out my mama has stage 4 neuroindocrine cancer. It hit me like a ton of bricks..all i could do was i have already saw  what cancer does with my mamas daddy (Papa). I thank god that it was caught just in time and she got surgery. & i thank god i still have my mama. this is just a pure example that life is too short and things change in the blink of an eye. It opened my eyes..made me see that you cant take things for grantite

I'm also having my own battle...i'm having trouble with my weight due to horrible eating habits. i tell myself I've got to stop, i just cant get myself motivated. i pray i can find the strength and mind set to change. i want to be healthy for not only myself but Haleigh too. ive also have anger spurts and i feel really down because its with the ones i love. i find myself constantly arguing with Bryan. I hate it! it makes me feel so bad and makes me look like i dont appreciate him. im also slacking as a mom :( i pray God will help guide me to become a better mom. I'm not as close to God anymore but i'm tryng to work on that.

2014 goals;

1. get healthy
2: learn to accept who i am
3: control my anger
4: become a better mom
5: get closer to god

& last but not least..count my blessings not my burdens!